Subtitle: Remembering Animals in War
By: Fiona White
Illustrated by: Kathleen O'Hagan
Genre: YBC - Picture books
Published by: Lothian Children's Books
Published: 31 Jan 2024
ISBN: 9780734421630


It is a little remembered fact that not only soldiers went to war; many animals were taken too. The purple poppy that we wear on the National Day for War Animals was created to honour animals like Simpson's donkey for their courage and fortitude, and the comfort they gave to soldiers. Wear A Purple Poppy combines a poetic tribute with non-fiction text to inform young readers of the loyal work of these animals. From the donkeys, horses, mules and dogs to the elephants, pigeons, cats and camels who took on roles as mascots, trackers and messengers, we wear a purple poppy for you.

Teacher Notes prepared by the publisher are available on our website for this title.

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