Subtitle: Mischief and Mayhem #1
By: Ken Lamug
Genre: Y - Children's, Teenage & educational
Published by: Scholastic Australia
Published: 1 May 2022
ISBN: 9781761203992


Mischief and her side-cat Mayhem are your respectably heinous villains. They’ll spoil new movies, steal cake from parties they weren’t invited to, and hit the good citizens where it’ll dirty them most—their toilet paper. But before Mischief and Mayhem were ever supervillains, they were just Missy and Gizmo, fresh recruits at superhero boot camp. Except Missy lied on her hero application and has exactly zero superpowers, just her brainpower.

Humiliated when caught and kicked out, she has only one fellow camp recruit who is willing to stand by her—Melvira. Unbeknownst to others, Melvira has her own villainous agenda, and it involves helping Missy cross the line into villainy as a new alter ego, Mischief.

Something about Melvira doesn’t sit right with Missy, and soon she’ll be called upon to battle her former best friend ... but will Missy be able to face the friend who was once her defender?

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Missy moves to Idleville, where the only thing that happens each year is the Festival of Superheroes.

Missy went to superhero boot camp with her recently rescued cat, Gizmo, but when they failed they soon became Mischief and Mayhem—SUPERVILLAINS.

They team up with Melvira, but soon realise that she is using them in her quest to take over the world. Will Mischief and Mayhem be able to stop her, or is it too late?

This is a terrific, action-packed graphic novel, with themes of finding your place, working together and using science for good, that will suit readers aged 8 and older.

Reviewed by Rob