By: Adam Wallace
Illustrated by: James Hart
Published by: Krueger Wallace Press
Published: 01 Mar 2015
ISBN: 9780980828276


Jackson Payne is clumsy.

Like, really clumsy.

Like really, really, really, really, clumsy.

Like...well, you get the idea.

But every time he’s clumsy, awesome things happen.

The problem is, Jackson is over it.

He only wants to be a hero on purpose.

But how do you stop being a fluke?

It’s action-packed, it’s laugh out loud funny, and best of all, it’s awesome.


Good natured Jackson always seems to be in the right place at the right time and seems to fluke heroic incidents regularly.

This all changes when he decides not to try to help people as he is sick of all the attention. But when things start going wrong all around him, and he becomes the local enemy instead of the local hero, he realises that things were better off before!

Full of slapstick, laugh a minute humour that junior boys 8 + will love.

This is the first book in a fantastic new series by local, emerging talent Adam Wallace.

Reviewed by Rob